How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast
How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast At Home With The Least Supplements

Muscle gain is generally considered an easily achievable task as people believe that eating some carbs and lifting some weight would do for that. But when you are actually into it, you will notice that after some initial muscle buildup in a month or two, the body will stop showing any progress in the direction.
This has a reason:
To build up more muscles, the body requires more diet and more efforts.
But it is not that easy to keep increasing your diet as well as keep increasing more weight on lifting machines as it has its limits. So, at this point, people shift to steroids and supplements as they are easy to consume and highly concentrated with required nutrition and protein for muscle gain. But there are some techniques and specific programs that you can gain muscles without consuming steroids or supplements if you follow.
This includes certain food items and exercises that will give your muscle buildup an extra boost required to break the threshold and begin muscle gain once again. Following these techniques, you will be back at making noticeable changes in muscle mass. Let’s start with the food items first and then discuss the exercises in the context.
Food Habits And Ingredients For Muscle Gain At Home

Muscle gaining is not possible if your diet is not adequately nutritious, and not only it has to be filled with proteins and carbs, but you also need to follow a complete plan or timetable of meals. Your schedule depends on the exercise routine you follow and the time of exercise, but here we will suggest you a general diet plan that beginners can follow to gain muscles.
Firstly, you would need to include several small meals between the breakfast, lunch and dinner which should be full of protein and it would be better to have drinks like protein smoothies in these meals. Let’s see some food items that should be included in these meals to help you achieve your muscle gaining goal.
- Eggs should be your best friends if you are serious about muscle gaining as they are an inexpensive source of protein and required nutrition like vitamin B, amino acid, particularly the acid leucine, which is vitally essential for muscle gain.
- Chicken breast is another best food item that has protein levels and isn’t expensive. In every 90 grams of chicken breast, you can find over 25gm of protein. Besides protein, you will find B vitamin as well.
- If you are concerned about increasing weight with muscle gain, you can choose fast-digesting foods like Greek yoghurt, a dairy item full of protein but only helps in lean muscle gain.
- Soybean is a food item that supplies protein, unsaturated fats and vitamin K and iron. The ample amount of iron is what makes this bean perfect muscle gaining food item for women. Half a cup of cooked soybeans can be enough for one of your small protein meal.
- A spoonful of peanut butter with or after every meal should be complimentary as whatever meal you take. This will add extra calories to each meal and provide protein, carbs, unsaturated fat and amino acid supply.
Home Exercises For Beginners Willing To Increase Muscles

As a beginner, your muscles would take some time to cop up with the newly started habit of exercising, and thus it could initially pain when you are done with the workout. Therefore, we would suggest beginning with light exercises like jogging, pushup, crunches, etc., which would increase your stamina and make your muscles ready for an intense workout.
People would argue that running and similar exercises would decrease their weight and not gain some, but it only eliminates unwanted fat and helps gain lean muscle mass. Also, the stamina that you will develop by running would help you during intense weight lifting exercises.
One might find pushup ineffective and not worth it, but the truth is that pushups are that one exercise where the muscle gain begins. And for home muscle gaining, pushups are an essential workout exercise, and once you become easy with regular pushups, you can make changes to it to increase difficulty, which will make your chest and shoulder muscles strong.
Pull-ups are the one crucial exercise that you need to get experienced with as it is the benchmark to progress. Most people fail at this exercise, and once you can easily do 10 to 12 pushups continually, you can say that you are making progress and your muscles are getting stronger.
Similarly, dips or shoulder dips are another workout exercise that could be complex initially, but once you begin to perform multiple dips, your shoulder, triceps and chest muscles would eventually grow along, and noticeable progress would be made.
Essential home gym equipment like resistance bands, pull-up bars, and a set of dumbbells can help you extend the number of exercises, which will support fast muscle gain.
Supplement For Fast Muscle Mass Build
During the muscle mass gaining program, your body might begin to ask for additional nutrition and more protein supply that you cannot provide through natural food items because you are already taking several meals. It can be hard to add more meals at such times, and it is also not possible to fulfil the daily nutrition requirements with raw food.
Meanwhile, you can take muscle gaining supplements designed and manufactured by Mega Muscles, which contains all essential ingredients that incredibly accelerates your lean muscle mass gain. Also, they are free from any stimulants that can harm you on regular consumption, which outweighs the benefits of a muscle mass supplement. You can trust Mega Muscles supplements that are only composed of safe and healthy ingredients to boost energy, recovery, strength, libido, rate of protein synthesis and amino acid regulation.
Changes And Improvements To Your Routine And Habits
Consult a fitness trainer to determine your body type during the exercises and correct you if you do not exercise correctly. And if everything is right about the posture and form, it is time to push harder on yourself and increase your training volume. To promote faster muscle gain, you should increase the weight limits in your reps than increasing the number of reps or sets. Try lifting heavier weight if possible and safe, and prioritize strength training over stamina for some time.
Understand The Phases Of An Exercise And Make Changes To It
When you are doing lifting exercises, it has a concentric and eccentric phase. The formers refer to the position when your muscles are at work, and the latter means when they are not primarily involved in the action. You can understand this by barbell press, in which concentric phase is when you have lifted the barbell rod with hands fully stretched while the eccentric phase is when your hands are lowered, and bar is almost rested on the chest.
The point here is that you need to focus on the eccentric part of the exercise and make use of it. One can do this either by slowing down the eccentric action and prolonging the phase or making variations to the eccentric phase.
Sleep And Testosterone Are Two Essentials For Muscle Gain
The moment you gain muscles is not during the workout, but muscles buildup when the body is finally at rest after exercise. During the training, you break the muscle tissues, and these damaged muscles fibers are repairing and regenerating when you are at rest and not making intense exercises. Therefore, having a good quality of sleep is also essential after a workout for the completion of muscle-building processing.
You need to realize that the body uses the testosterone produced by the testicles for muscle building and repairing during sleep and rest. Relatively speaking, if you want all your damaged muscles to grow and repair frequently, you need to have adequate amount of testosterone available in the body to meet your expectation in a short period. You should maintain high testosterone levels when you are on a muscle gaining program even though you have enough calories, protein and amino acid intake. This also allows you to balance the sexual life with the workout routine.
Overview And The Systematic Form Of The Major Muscle-Gaining Plan
Now, you might have possibly realized what you didn’t know or what are the things that you need to consider next time when you are working out or having a meal dedicated to muscle gain. Let’s summarize the information and recall the point once again to create the major plan.
- Add protein-rich food items to your diet, such as beans, eggs, chicken etc., including dairy products that will provide the required protein supply.
- Add specific exercises to the routine dedicated to muscle gain and focus on strength exercise more than stamina workout.
- Focus and utilize the eccentric phase of exercise to gain muscle instead of treating it as a rest position.
- Take adequate sleep and maintain high testosterone levels to ensure full recovery and muscle buildup after a workout.
Finally, once adapting these points in your daily exercise routine and diet plan, you will find a noticeable increase in muscle mass within a couple of weeks, and get past your muscle-building plateau.