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Aromasin vs Arimidex: Bodybuilding, Dosage, On Cycle, PCT, For Sale

Aromasin vs Arimidex

Aromasin vs Arimidex
Figure 1. Click here to check out Aromagin

This blog will teach you everything you need to know about the differences between aromasin and arimidex in dosage, on cycle, PCT and their side effects, as well as the bodybuilding community's assessment of their potential benefits.

What exactly is Aromasin?

Aromasin is the brand name/trade name of a pharmaceutical product manufactured by Pfizer. Aromasin's main active ingredient is exemestane, also known as EXE, which is a new generation of FDA-approved legal steroidal selective irreversible aromatase inhibitor.

What exactly is Arimidex?

Arimidex is the brand name/trade name of an AstraZeneca pharmaceutical product. The main active ingredient in Arimidex is anastrozole, which is a new generation of FDA-approved non-steroidal selective reversible aromatase inhibitor.

Main differences: Aromasin vs Arimidex

(I). Class: Type I inhibitors - Steroidal (Aromasin) vs Type II inhibitors Non-Steroidal (Arimidex)

Aromatase inhibitors are classified based on their relative potency. In vivo studies define potency as the ability to suppress both circulating estrogen levels and aromatase activity. They both interact differently with the aromatase inhibition process.

(II). Aromatase interactions

Type II AIs (Arimidex) form a noncovalent bond with estrogen in order to bind its site and prevent/minimize binding activity with androgens. Because of its noncovalent interactions, the weak bond formed does not share electrons. As a result, this aromatase process is thought to be reversible and thus easily displaced by another substrate during the equilibrium reaction.

On the other hand, Type I AIs (Aromasin) is structurally related to androstenedione compounds, which are the natural aromatase substrate to the active site of the enzyme interaction and halt activities. Exemestane is converted during the process to an intermediate that forms covalent bonds with the estrogen corresponding site. This covalent reaction is irreversible, and the bonding is much stronger than a non-covalent bond.

As a result of its ability to have a powerfully irreversible reaction during the equilibrium aromatase reaction, Aromasin is also known as a suicide inhibitor.

You can learn more about the strength of different chemical molecular bonding types by clicking here.

(III). Side effect: Aromasin vs Arimidex

The most common and serious side effect of any type of aromatase inhibitor is bone mineral density (BMD) loss, also known as poor bone strength (osteoporosis) in more severe cases.

When estrogen levels are too low, bone mineral density suffers, and fractures may occur if aromatase inhibitors are taken on a long-term basis.

According to a study published in The Lancet Oncology [3], aromasin (25 mg daily) has a less negative effect on bone mineral density loss than arimidex (1 mg daily) after comparing changes in BMD in the lumbar spine and total hip areas among treated women.


How to avoid


Aromagin, a PCT product designed and manufactured by Mega Muscles, is complexed by a powerful antioxidant compound called "L-cysteine derivative." According to one study [4,] it has a suppressive effect on overall bone mineral loss caused by a decrease in endogenous estrogen levels.

As a result, using Aromagin as estrogen blocker/anti estrogen/aromatase inhibitor supplements can provide the aforementioned benefits over other products. In our bodybuilding progress, it can reduce the risk of BMD loss while providing organ support and stronger aromatase inhibiting effects than arimidex.

Dosage on cycle or during pct or for gyno

The dosage of both AIs on cycle and during pct is discussed in the following sections and supported by clinical studies.


At 25 mg daily, the results of a clinical study were promising. The graph below depicts different averaged hormone concentrations after 25 mg and 50 mg daily on 12 young males on day 10. In the separate table at the site of reference source, the percentage change of free testosterone was also greater than 100 percent.

aromasin dosage: on cycle, pct or for gyno
Figure 1. Experimental study of Aromasin dosage: on cycle, pct or for gyno [1]


In most clinical studies on elderly men, a 1 mg tablet is used as the standard dose to lower estradiol levels and thus increase bioavailable testosterone.

According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology article Effects of aromatase inhibition in hypogonadal older men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial [2], the percentage change in free testosterone level was greater than 100% at the third month of treatment. At third month, it reached their peak level.


Mega Muscles offers only $49 in a discounted price for the flavored fast-acting aromasin liquid – Aromagin. Customers can also buy 2 get 1 free extra bonus.


  • Aromasin can completely prevent estrogen rebound and suppress aromatase activity, whereas arimidex cannot due to the difference in class and molecular bonding types in the binding sites.
  • Aromasin can double free testosterone levels in males in just 10 days of treatment, whereas arimidex takes about 3 months.
  • Aromasin causes less negative side effect than Arimidex under long term supplementation


They are all approved AIs and have the ability to inhibit estrogen activity for the purpose of accelerating bodybuilding. Aromasin appears to be a safer, better and more effective option for bodybuilding purposes based on the above literature review.

Liquid Aromasin for sale/Buy aromasin online


[1] Mauras, N., Lima, J., Patel, D., Rini, A., di Salle, E., Kwok, A., & Lippe, B. (2003). Pharmacokinetics and dose finding of a potent aromatase inhibitor, aromasin (exemestane), in young males. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 88(12), 5951–5956.

[2] Burnett-Bowie, S.-A. M., Roupenian, K. C., Dere, M. E., Lee, H., & Leder, B. Z. (2009). Effects of aromatase inhibition in hypogonadal older men: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Clinical Endocrinology, 70(1), 116–123.

[3] Goss, P. E., Hershman, D. L., Cheung, A. M., Ingle, J. N., Khosla, S., Stearns, V., Chalchal, H., Rowland, K., Muss, H. B., Linden, H. M., Scher, J., Pritchard, K. I., Elliott, C. R., Badovinac-Crnjevic, T., St Louis, J., Chapman, J.-A. W., & Shepherd, L. E. (2014). Effects of adjuvant exemestane versus anastrozole on bone mineral density for women with early breast cancer (ma.27b): A companion analysis of a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Oncology, 15(4), 474–482.

[4] Zhou X., Wang Z., Ni Y., Yu Y., Wang G., Chen L. (n.d.). Suppression effect of n-acetylcysteine on bone loss in ovariectomized mice. American journal of translational research. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

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